Awareness on various aspects of disability including causes & prevention of disabilities, importance of PWD Act 1 995 & rights and privileges of PWDs, UNCRPD, mental illness - identification, causes and treatment, importance of nutrition and health aspects was provided to general public as well as disabled persons in 28 villages during the reference period. People from 289 villages in 11 Mandals took part in evolving action plan and had given their suggestions. They had shared their problems / expectations such as inclusion in NREGS, Medical certificates, Pensions, Institutional Linkages, Property Issues, Family Issues etc.,
Wall paintings depicting on various aspects of disability focusing more on mental illness, rights, livelihoods carried out by PWDs etc., were taken up 24 villages.
World Disabled Day, World Mental Health Day, Women's Day etc., are organized not only at village but also at Mandal. Rallies were organized. Cultural programs marked the
highlight of these special days. Able bodied persons also took part in the meetings/rallies expressing their solidarity for PWDs. Federation meetings are quite useful to review the issues and tackling them by involving PWDs. For example, family disputes of Mrs. FEERUBI were resolved through court
intervention and she is happily living with her husband."PWDs are proving nothing is impossible to them as they have the ability to tackle the problems/issues. The very challenge is to reduce dependence of disabled children on their parents. Secondly the focus is on livelihoods which not fetch income to PWDs but also bring good image to PWDs both in family and society"
On December 3rd the World Disabled Day was organized at Mandal Development Office at PATTIKONDA. A total of 1800 PWDs organized rally raising slogans concerning their rights & constitutional privileges. Important dignitaries including Mandal Development Officer, Revenue Officer, President of Village Panchayat etc., took part in the public meeting.Tricycles were arranged for 20 disabled persons. Wheel chairs were also made available for the needy disabled persons. The Government authorities positively responded to provide some site for the construction of federation.